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One of the most frequently asked questions is “Do you have to be born with Intuition or can you develop it later in life?” We believe that everyone has some form of innate intuition, clairvoyance, or "psychic-energy" ability. Most small children have some ability to see colors, talk to spirits, God, and has an inner "knowing."
Later, when a child is around five years old, he or she might start to lose some of his or her ability, because there are not many adult examples of people who are practicing their intuition/clairvoyance to match and follow.
Have you had an intuitive experience? Join the Practical Intuition Class to learn tools to bring out more of your innate abilities.
At Intuitive Insights School of Intuition, you can learn spiritual tools to unblock your intuition so you can find your own answers within, read auras, relationships, talk to the spiritual realm. Check out our latest schedule. Also, recordings are available. Intuitive Insights offers a beginning 6-month telephone Intuitive Clairvoyant program starting now. Some of the teachings in the Intuitive Clairvoyant Program mirror such spiritual leaders and beliefs that have been expressed by Louise Hay, James van Praagh, John Edwards, Sylvia Browne, Laura Day, Ruth Montgomery, Jeanne Dixon, Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, Edgar Cayce, Doreen Virtue, and Arthur Ford. There are also advanced intuitive training programs available, as well as the four-week Practical Intuition Tools Classes starting now.